The Sheriff and the Witch!

In the comments of our last horror western post, Glowworm suggested that a better example of this goofy genre mash-up was this tale of weird witchcraft and supernatural shenanigans found in the November 1953 issue of ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #49, with art by Robert McCarty---so here ya's go! S'posin' I'll agree that the artwork is certainly an improvement, and the story is indeed a real hoot... but I reckon it's all just a bit more modern than traditional "old west" in my humble opinion. After you read today's tale, check out another creepy old west chiller, The Ballad of Doc Satan in the THOIA 2009 Archive by clicking HERE! And as always, thanks to each and every one of you that continue to comment and provide feedback / suggestions. It's what makes bloggin' fun!

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