*Be sure to click the pics below to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?
*If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.
Here are this week's VOD releases, ranked in order from our most to least anticipated.
- The Purge Election Year was a solid sequel that gave us just about what we wanted from an installment of this series. If you liked The Purge 2, you'll probably dig this one too. Read our review HERE.
- Blood Trap looks kinda fun. Vinnie Jones starring in a heist-gone-wrong flick that involves a vampire queen... how can that not be fun? It's definitely on our To Watch list.
- Sacrifice was an underwhelming Psychological Thriller that should have been way better than it was. Read our review HERE.
- And we have no desire to see The Legend of Tarzan; I mean, was anyone really clamoring for a frigging Tarzan movie? It was a big Summer flick though, and I'm sure there are lots of people out there who are curious to check it out now that its hit VOD, so we includ it here for them.
- Happy Streaming!
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