What's New on VOD This Week? (9/27-9/30)

*Check out our other Release Date Pages: Blu-ray & DVD, Theatrical, VOD, TV.

The last week in September is an odd one for VOD releases. Aside from the two big Summer Blockbusters that we're curious to check out just to see how much of a train wreck they are, everything else is a smaller, Indie, or b-grade release, most of which look interesting in their own way.

*Be sure to click the pics below to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?

*If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.

Here are this week's VOD releases, ranked in order from our most to least anticipated.

  1. Francesca is a Neo-Giallo that we've been curious about for some time now, and of all the VOD releases this week, it's definitely at the top of our Must See list. 

  2. Independence Day: Resurgence tanked at the Box Office, but it looks like it might be a big, dumb, fun spectacle, and we're all for renting it. 

  3. I'm definitely hyped to check out The House on Pine Street, but seeing as it's only streaming on iTunes right now (I hate iTunes), it'll have to wait until Amazon puts it up for rental.  

  4. Lace Crater looks odd, in a good way, I think. Not sure what we're going to get from this one, but it might just be a worthwhile venture. 

  5. Follow looks like an eerie mind-fuck of a movie, and it has our attention. 

  6. As mean-spirited as it sounds, I'm curious to check out Ghostbusters to see how bad (or maybe even good) it is. It really looks like a stinker to me, but the bad movie lover inside of me is curious...

  7. And 8989 Redstone & The Caretaker look to be promising, albeit smaller-budget flicks. I'd probably check them out on Netflix

  8. Happy streaming!

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