What's New on VOD This Week? (10/11-1014)

Two movies that we really want to checkout, and a few others that don't look so bad... here's what's new on VOD for your weekend viewing pleasure.

*Be sure to click the pics below to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?

*If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.

Here are this week's VOD releases, ranked in order from our most to least anticipated.

  1. Jack Goes Home looks all kinds of good. Rory Culkin in a hell of an actor, and we're curious to see what he does in this psychologically-challenging role.

  2. Nerve is one that we dismissed at first as being another glossy, hollow, Hollywood shit show, but you know what, it looks like a fun flick. Emma Roberts is everywhere these days, and we don't mind.

  3. Phnatom of the Theater is one that we knew absolutely nothing about until it showed up on Amazon today, and I've got to say that it looks like it could be solid. Chinese ghost stories tend to give us the heebie-jeebies.

  4. The Dark Stranger is a Canadian flick that came out in The Great White North last year, and is finally hitting VOD for us in the rest of North America. Stpehen McHattie is awesome, so we'll be giving this one a go.

  5. And Patient Seven, She Who Must Burn, and Tales of Poe all look like they might be decent B-grade efforts. Maybe.

  6. Happy Streaming!

Oct 14Oct 14 (2)Oct 11Oct 11p (2)Oct 14pOct 11 (4)t170 x 250170 x 250
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