What's New on VOD This Week? (10/25-10/28)

The last week in October (how did this month go by so damned fast?) brings us a few final potential gems to add to our Halloween movie-watching agenda, which should help send the creepiest month of the year out with a bang!

*Be sure to click the pics below to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?

*If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.

Here are this week's VOD releases, ranked in order from our most to least anticipated.

  1. The Windmill, as B-grade as it looks, is one that we're really hyped to check out. It just looks like a bunch of mindless, bloody fun.

  2. Scare Campaign is one that we've been keen on since one of our Aussie mates put us on to it earlier this year. Seems like a great one to check out during this Halloween weekend.

  3. Recovery is one that popped up on Amazon out of nowhere, and it looks pretty good. It's got our girl Kirby Bliss Blanton in it, so that makes it extra cool in our eyes. Hopefully it ends up being decent.

  4. The Devil's Complex is a Found Footage flick about some dumb Americans who go exploring a haunted forest in Romania, and it looks like it might be good. You know how these things go though.

  5. The latest stateside release from Artsploitation Films, The Perfect Husband looks like another quality effort. They sure know how to pick them.

  6. And Stalk Her is John Jarrat's (Wolf Creek) directorial debut, and it looks like it's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but fun. 

  7. Happy Streaming!

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