Horror Unlimited / Complete Voodoo Vol. 2 (NEWS)

Good friend and occasional HAUNTED HORROR story contributor, Tommy Stanziola, donated the scans for our last post (click HERE if you missed it), as well as the scans for today's post from the July-August 1954 issue of Voodoo #16. "Horror Unlimeted" is a fun tale that-- wait a second, that's NOT how you spell "unlimited!!!" Anyway, Tommy says this one "scared the shit out of me as a kid!" --let's see what it does to you! And speaking of Voodoo, you can now pre-order The Complete Voodoo Vol. 2 from IDW / Yoe Books Chilling Archives of Horror Comics hardcover collection series, coming in November! Just click HERE after you read today's story! Special thanks again to Tommy for the scans!

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