What's New on VOD This Week? (8/16-8/19)

*Check out our other Release Date Pages: Blu-ray & DVD, Theatrical, VOD, TV.

This week's VOD releases are mostly smaller, Indie flicks, a few of which may just end up being hidden gems.

Here are your newest rental options for this weekend.

*Be sure to click the pics to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?

*If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.

  • The biggest movie of note hitting VOD this week is Imperium, which looks like it's going to be a solid Crime Thriller. It's definitely on our radar. 

  • Restoration is written by James Cullen Bressack (who we tend to dig), and directed by Scott Farkus from A Christmas Story, so we'll probably be giving it a rent. It looks decent.

  • Big Bad, Killer Party, Lake Nowhere, and The Purgation are all smaller films, each of which look promising in their own way. 

  • And you can watch The Sleeping Room for free, if you're an Amazon Prime Member

  • Happy Streaming!

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