Random Picture Round-UP: The FrightFest Edition (Part 1)

We spend a lot of time here at THC searching for great pictures to use in our reviews, for our banners, and for whatever else strikes our fancy. It's not always easy finding the perfect screenshot, but when we do find pictures that make us laugh, say "What the hell?," or are just plain awesome, we save them.

Unfortunately, we never use them all, and so they just sit there in our picture folder, waiting... which is why we decided to start posting them in random groups on a weekly basis!

They might even help you to decide what to watch.

This week we're focusing on the movies that are scheduled to play at FrightFest between August 25th-29th, because they're some big ones. You can check out the entire FrightFest 2016 lineup HERE.

  • You can click each pic to find out what movie they're from, if you don't recognize them. 

  • The movie's titles are also in the file name of the pictures, if you decide to save them to your computer. 

  • Enjoy!











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